

Actions to support SDGs

ORiTRa has actively promoted SDGs

We would like to strongly advocate and support this initiative by calling our patronage clients to be concerned and familiarize themselves with SDGs. Even a simple action from an individual can contribute to the effectiveness of collective efforts. Hand in hand, we can stimulate powerful forces to save the planet.

With the concern about many societal problems, ORiTRa has consistently been developing products and services to enhance well-being and beauty and strongly believes that the improvement of one`s health and beauty can influence developmental changes to the world.

  1. 貧困をなくそう
  2. すべての人に健康と福祉を
  3. ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
  4. 働きがいも経済成長も
  5. 人や国の不平等をなくそう
  6. つくる責任つかう責任
  7. 気候変動に具体的な対策を
  8. 陸の豊かさも守ろう

About the SDGs

In response to the emergence of global challenges and crises, from environmental degradation, multiple levels of conflicts and violence, social discrimination, poverty, to international tensions between states, the United Nations has implemented a framework called sustainable development goals (SDGs) to achieve more peaceful and sustainable societies. SDGs is a global footprint initiated by over 150 United Nations Member States in 2015 in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. The key initiative of the SDGs is to constitute peace and prosperity to the planet and all individuals by 2030, pledging to the “Leave No-one Behind” endeavor. The SDGs consist of 17 goals with concrete 169 targets and clear action plans. To maneuver the universally sustainable societies as planned by the United Nations, collective and international cooperation from everybody is imperative.

We have run the business simultaneously with the intention to promote and achieve the following goals.

    1. 貧困をなくそう
    2. すべての人に健康と福祉を
    3. 陸の豊かさも守ろう

    We have run several charitable campaigns, including the donation to UNHCR to support worldwide refugees. We have also tried to initiate more projects to help underprivileged groups and nurture the environment.

    1. ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
    2. 働きがいも経済成長も
    3. 人や国の不平等をなくそう

    ORiTRa has also promoted a working environment where people of all genders, ages, and nationalities can enjoy equal opportunities and respect. In addition, our consistently increasing employment and relatively low turnover rates reflect our potential to help stabilize the economy at the macro level.

    1. つくる責任つかう責任
    2. 気候変動に具体的な対策を

    Climate change and environmental degradation are also among many problems that ORiTRa would like to address. We use eco-bags and environmentally friendly packaging materials due to this environmental concern.

Contribution to the society through beauty and health


ORiTRa has been established with the principles to address social issues through beauty and health, which are in accordance with SDGs philosophy. We will continue to actively promote the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through our daily business activities and find more ways to contribute further to SDGs. We wish to kindly raise awareness of our staff and patronaged clients to help achieve a more desirable future for the next generation under the SDGs blueprint.